- update: Updated to NextJS 12.3.1, React 18.2.0, React Bootstrap 2.5.0, Bootstrap 5.2.0, Leaflet 1.9.1, React-table 7.8.0, - new: Converted from React Image Lightbox to Yet Another React Lightbox for React 18 support (see docs here) - new: Converted from React @zumper/react-ladda to vanilla Ladda for React 18 support - new: Converted from next-react-svg to @svgr/webpack - improvement: Removed Next Compose Plugins and transformed next.config.js to native Nextjs code - fix: fixed various console and NextJS errors
- New: 4 New dashboards (New default dashboard, E-commerce, CMS, Projects. The original dashboard is now called index-charts)
- New: Activity / AtGlance / Bestsellers / CardBlock / Contracts / LatestPosts / Orders / People / BarChart2 - Components
- New: Added new chart styles
- New: Added timeline widget
- New: Example of how to retrieve added items added to ChoicesComponent
- New: Example of how to retrieve content in src/components/Editor/QuillComponent.js
- New/Improved: exchanged Simple-Datatables plugin with React Table
- Improved: Added react-bootstrap SSRProvider
- Fixed: Overflow issue (login-2, register-2 pages and their HTML counterparts)
- Fixed: Theming issue fixed (remvoved $primary: false; from variables.scss)
- Fixed: /charts page example code
- Updated: Updated dependencies (bootstrap 5.1.3, react-bootstrap 2.2.3, next 12.1.5, choices 10.1.0)
- New: 5 E-commerce pages
- New: 2 Knowledge base pages
- New: ContactCard, PublishBlock & SupportBlock components
- Improved: Added light card table header (theme/_card.scss)
- Improved: Added avatar flag, avatar text, avatar xxs (src/scss/theme/_avatar.scss & src/components/Avatar.js)
- Updated: Updated dependencies (next 11.1.0, react-bootstrap 2.0.0-beta.4, simple-datatables 3.1.2, react-imask 6.1.0, react-leaflet 3.1.2, react-image-lightbox 5.1.4, @fortawesome/react-fontawesome 0.1.15, chart.js 3.5.1, sass 1.38.0)
Initial release